

TR-C006 100 units Ön yüz - Front side Uygur Devleti 745 - 1368 KUTLUG BILGE Uygur State 745 - 1368 AD founder KUTLUG BILGE Uretim tarihi / Issued date : Ocak / January 2001 Gecerlilik tarihi/Expiry date: Ocak / January 2003Tiraj / Print-run : 1.500.000

TR-C006 100 units Arka yüz - Back side Uygur Devleti 745 - 1368 KUTLUG BILGE Uygur State 745 - 1368 AD founder KUTLUG BILGE Uretim tarihi / Issued date : Ocak / January 2001 Gecerlilik tarihi/Expiry date: Ocak / January 2003Tiraj / Print-run : 1.500.000

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Uyghur Makhaliler Uighur Proverbs

Alemni su besip ketse, ödekning khaptiligha yetmeptu.
Even if the world is flooded, the duck feels safe.
6 ay atkhan pahta bir qapangha yetmeptu.
6 months of work with cotton is not enough for a coat.
Andakh khazangha mundakh qömüq.
Get the right spoon for the right pot. (the right tool for right job)
Asmandiki ghazning xorpisigha nan qilap yemek
Soak the bread with the soup of a flying duck. (day dreaming for something impossible)
Asmangha qikhay dise yerakh, yerge kirey dise khattikh.
Sky is too high to fly to, the ground is too hard to get in.
Asmangha tükürseng, yüzünge qüxer.
If you spit to the sky, it might drop to your face.
Asta manghanmu manghan, tohtap khalghan yaman.
Moving slowly is still moving, stopping gets you nowhere.(slow and steady wins the race)
Asta manghan tagh axar, yügürgen bagh.
He who goes slowly gets over the mountain, he who hurries gets nowhere. (1. easy does it; 2. slow and steady wins the race)
At tapkhiqe iger tap.
Get a saddle before you can afford the horse.(Before you can buy a horse, you have to get a saddle.)
Yahxi atkha khamqa kerek emes.
A good horse doesn't have to be whipped.
Yahxi atkha bir khamqa, yaman atkha ming khamqa.
A good horse needs only one whipping, a bad horse needs a thousand.
Attin qüxse üzengidin qüxmeydu.
He gets off his horse but keeps his foot in the stirrup. (person still wants to hold the power after resigning from the position)
At keynige min'gexme, min'gexkendin keyin vay dime.
Never ride on the back of the horse, if you do, don't complain about the pain.
At aylinip okhurini tapar.
No matter how far the horse goes, it is still able to find its trough.
Eti ulugh, supurisi khurukh.
Long on words, short on deeds.
At Aylihangha, yol Sarihangha
Pretend for Aylihan, actually for Sarihan.
Atalmighan erdin atalghan döng yahxi.
Man without fame is worse than a ramp.

bu matiryal biraz kop ahirini kunda yenglinip turidu yaki hat yazsanglar ewatip barsammu bolidu: obul21c@gmail.com




Aptori : Abduxaliq Uyghur
1921-Yil, Turpan

Hey, péqir uyghur, oyghan, uyqung yéter,
Sende mal yoq, emdi ketse jan kéter.
Bu ölümdin özengni qutqazmisang,
Ah, séning haling xeter, haling xeter.

Qop! dédim, béshing köter, uyqungni ach!
Reqibning bishini kes, qanini chach!
Köz échip etrapqa obdan baqmisang,
Ölisen armanda, bir kün yoq ilaj.

Hélimu jansizgha oxshaydu téning,
Shunga yoqmu anche ölümdin ghéming?
Chaqirsam qimirlimayla yatisen,
Oyghanmay ölmekchimu sen shu péting?

Közüngni yoghan échip etrapqa baq,
Öz istiqbaling heqqide oylan uzaq.
Ketse qoldin bu ghenimet, pursiti,
Kilechek ishing chataq, ishing chataq.

Échinar könglüm sanga, hey uyghurum,
Sebdishim, qirindishim, bir tuqqunum.
Köyünüp halinggha oyghatsam séni,
Anglimaysen zadi, néme bolghining?!

Kélidu bir kün pushayman qilisen,
Tektige gepning shu chaghda yétisen.
"Xep" déseng shu chaghda ülgürmey qalur,
Shunda, uyghur, sözige ten bérisen.

Aptori : Abduxaliq Uyghur
1921-Yil, Turpan

Wake up!

By : Abduxaliq Uyghur
Turpan, 1921

Hey, poor Uyghur, wake up, you have slept long enough,
You have nothing, what is now at stake is your very life.
If you don’t rescue yourself from this death,
Ah, your end will be looming, your end will be looming.

Stand up! I said, raise up your head, no more slumber,
Behead your enemy, spill his blood!
If you don’t open your eyes and look around,
The end of your frustrated existence is certain.

Already, your body looks lifeless,
Is that why you are indifferent to death?
You remain unmoved by my calls,
Do you want to perish this way, without coming to your senses?

Open your eyes wide, look around,
Think well about your future,
If you let this one chance escape,
Tomorrow will be nothing but sorrow, nothing but sorrow.

My heart pities you, o my Uyghur,
My companion, my brother, my relative,
With a burning soul, I am calling out to you,
But your are not hearing me, what is going on?

One day will come, and you will regret,
That day you will understand the reason of my calls.
You will say “alas!”, but it will be too late,
Then you will realize what Uyghur (the poet) meant.

Original translator: Unknown
© Retranslated by: Rahman & Waris A. Janbaz
Paris, August 21, 2004

milletlerning atlixi

In order of population, the nationalities of China are:
Han (汉族 : Hàn Zú) Zhuang (壮族 : Zhuàng Zú) Manchu (满族 : Mǎn Zú) Hui (回族 : Huí Zú) Miao (苗族 : Miáo Zú) (Hmong) Uyghur (维吾尔族 : Wéiwúěr Zú) Yi (彝族 : Yí Zú) Tujia (土家族 : Tǔjiā Zú) Mongol (蒙古族 : Měnggǔ Zú) Tibetan (藏族 : Zàng Zú) Buyei (布依族 : Bùyī Zú) Dong (侗族 : Dòng Zú) Yao (瑶族 : Yáo Zú) Korean (朝鲜族 : Cháoxiǎn Zú) Bai (白族 : Bái Zú) Hani (哈尼族 : Hāní Zú) Li (黎族 : Lí Zú) Kazak (哈萨克族 : Hāsàkè Zú) Dai (傣族 : Dǎi Zú, also called Dai Lue, one of the Tai ethnic groups) She (畲族 : Shē Zú) Lisu (僳僳族 : Lìsù Zú) Gelao (仡佬族 : Gēlǎo Zú) Lahu (拉祜族 : Lāhù Zú) Dongxiang (东乡族 : Dōngxiāng Zú) Va (佤族 : Wǎ Zú) (Va) Sui (水族 : Shuǐ Zú) Naxi (纳西族 : Nàxī Zú) (includes the Mosuo (摩梭 : Mósuō)) Qiang (羌族 : Qiāng Zú) Tu (土族 : Tǔ Zú) Xibe (锡伯族 : Xíbó Zú) Mulao (仫佬族 : Mùlǎo Zú) Kirgiz (柯尔克孜族 : Kēěrkèzī Zú) Daur (达斡尔族 : Dáwòěr Zú) Jingpo (景颇族 : Jǐngpō Zú) Salar (撒拉族 : Sǎlá Zú) Blang (布朗族 : Bùlǎng Zú) Maonan (毛南族 : Màonán Zú) Tajik (塔吉克族 : Tǎjíkè Zú) Pumi (普米族 : Pǔmǐ Zú) Achang (阿昌族 : Āchāng Zú) Nu (怒族 : Nù Zú) Ewenki (鄂温克族 : Èwēnkè Zú) Gin (京族 : Jīng Zú), meaning Vietnamese or Kinh people. Jino (基诺族 : Jīnuò Zú) De'ang (德昂族 : Déáng Zú) Uzbek (乌孜别克族 : Wūzībiékè Zú) Russians (俄罗斯族 : Éluōsī Zú) Yugur (裕固族 : Yùgù Zú) Bonan (保安族 : Bǎoān Zú) Monba (门巴族 : Ménbā Zú) Oroqen (鄂伦春族 : Èlúnchūn Zú) Derung (独龙族 : Dúlóng Zú) Tatar (塔塔尔族 : Tǎtǎěr Zú) Hezhen (赫哲族 : Hèzhé Zú) Lhoba (珞巴族 : Luòbā Zú) Gaoshan (高山族 : Gāoshān Zú), meaning Taiwanese aborigines

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